New York City

Celebrate RAPtober!

Written by surfridernyc | Oct 10, 2012 12:09:08 PM
“Each year millions of seabirds, fish and marine mammals die due to ingestion of, or entanglement in plastic,” says Bill Hickman, Surfrider Foundation’s Rise Above Plastics Program Coordinator.   “By dedicating the entire month of October toward educating the public on the effects of marine plastics, we hope to jump start their desire to reduce their own personal plastic footprints and the amount of litter reaching our seas.”

This female gray whale died recently after being entangled in discarded line. Image Source.

How can you celebrate RAPtober?

  1. Connect with Rise Above Plastics by attending an NYC Chapter meeting or following ‘RAP’ on Facebook / Twitter.
  2. Spread the word to friends and family about the problems with plastics.
  3. Be a leader and have the biggest impact by directing a plastic reduction program at school/work or a plastic reduction ordinance with you local city council.
  4. Attend our next event, tomorrow from 7-9pm with the crew of 5 to learn more about plastic pollution and how we can stop it!
  5. Support BAN THE BAG in NYC by signing our online petition!

Happy RAPtober!