With the legislative session starting again this January, we are eager to get the Bigger Better Bottle Bill passed.
We've already have a successful advocacy day in Albany at the end of January, joined by 200 environmental advocates.
Along with our main coalition partners Only One, NYPIRG, Beyond Plastics, and Sure We Can, we made great progress on getting legislators to sponsor the bill last year and we are confident 2025 is the year the bill gets passed.
You can read more about the bill below and make sure to sign our action alert!
We are asking Governor Hochul and our NY State elected officials to pass NY Senate Bill S237 & Assembly Bill A6353. These bills would expand the current NY Bottle Bill to: (1) Include wine, spirits, hard cider, and most non-carbonated beverages; (2) Increase the deposit from 5-cents to 10-cents; and (3) increase the handling fee to support redemption centers
First enacted in 1982, the New York State Returnable Container Act, commonly known as the “Bottle Bill,” requires a 5-cent refundable deposit to be placed on eligible beverage containers. In 2009, the law was expanded to include bottled water. Over its nearly 40-year history, New York’s Bottle Bill has proven to be a highly effective program to reduce litter and increase recycling rates.
States with bottle deposit laws have a beverage container recycling rate of around 60%, while non-deposit states only reach about 24%. Michigan and Oregon have already increased their deposit to 10 cents, leading to an immediate increase of almost 90% in recycling redemption rates. A mere inflation update would likely make a 5-cent deposit in 1982 nearly fifteen cents today. It’s past time for New York to raise its deposit to a dime.
Send a message to your elected officials to let them know you support the bill!